
Resilience in Source to Sink Systems

What are Source to Sink Systems or S2SS?

What controls Particulate Organic Carbon Export from Headwaters?

POC export from headwaters conceptual model


I am a researcher and a science communicator. I care about water and people.

As a researcher, I study what happens to leaves and twigs that fall into rivers and streams. It turns out that all that litter not only affects water quality but also is important to maintain earth’s climate.

As a communicator, I build infrastructure for happier and courageous research: centered on people, likable, reliable, and “gettable” products, and acknowledging differences in position, power, and privilege across multiple platforms.

Take a look around and help yourself!

What happens to Particulate Organic Carbon when it moves down the river?

POC attrition in Small Mountainous Rivers

What does sunk Particulate Organic Carbon tell us about watershed resilience to multiple disturbances?